What have I done!!!

Published on by Kev

I have just made the stupidist bet of my life (well one of them, the other was R250 on the Stormers winning the Super 14 this year). Nash from Bangersandnash wrote an article today about himself giving up alcohol for a month and whoever wants to wager with him that he couldn't do it must email him. I couldn't resist because I know Nash and how he likes to party and this "challenge" just seems ridiculous to me. Both of us were speaking slurglish on Saturday night at Tiger Tiger, there is no ways he can do this. So I sent him this email which he has literally just put up on his blog and accepted my "bet"...

Hey bru!
Seeing the state that you were in on Saturday night, I am not surprised you giving up drinking...that was you right or was I just that pissed. I have a wager for you because I know you won't be able to do it. Because I missed your deadline to put my awesome face as a background on your blog I want to make a deal that if you don't hit a month without drinking I get my face and a name put up there (because Im cool and read your blog) and if you do...I will down a 340ml glass of neat vodka, videotape it and put in on my blog dedicated to you...Fair deal??? I hate vodka and Im not russian (if that helps)
Let me know what you think...

Now I don't know if I or anyone else could down a 340ml's of neat vodka, so I am praying that he fucks up somehow! I also would like to see my awesome mugshot on his blog. I don't really like vodka and now the thought of downing it is actually quite frightning. So from the 4th June keep a look out for either a video or a really cool background pic of me.

Nash! Good luck buddy, I really hope you enjoy your month of soberness or two weeks of it...hehe! I will see you at the beginning of next month (because you won't be out and about) to trade a pic or a video.

Does anyone know of any big russians who can teach me how to down Vodka without being instantly paraletic?

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Hahahaha. Don't worry kev i think i still have that video of you downing your drink when we won the cricket years ago. you are soooooo screwed. don't mess with human will dude. cackle cackle
I will do it JUST to see Kev down the vodka.<br /> My health and fitness now has NOTHING to do with me staying sober.
Nash is gona do it for the vodka vid :)<br /> <br /> Go Nash! :P