Faffy vs Alcohol

Published on by Kev

                                                                                        Faffy's catch for the night

Faffy is a strapping young lad filled with zest and one weird sense of humour. He cant go a day without taking the piss out of someones mother and hitting a bong. He is 7ft tall and built like an ox with blonde dreadlocks. He loves screaming the word "jam" on the dancefloor at Tiger Tiger while twisting his body from side to side. He drinks cheap beer and always somehow gets people to buy him free shots. This is where my story begins...

Faffy is horny, probably the horniest male Cape Town has to offer. Seven of his eight blow up dolls have been classed as a write off. When Faffy parties, he parties HARD! The other night out and about at Tiger, Faffy, the muscle, mellow G and I were "jamming" and knocking back some tequila's, pretty normal for a normal night out. All of a sudden Faffy bolts to the other side of the dancefloor and is getting jiggy with what looked like a hippo in a dress. He had the biggest smile on his face and kept giving us thumbs up while we just stood there looking in disgust as Fredd la Grand's "put your hands up" pumped the floor. This is something we still kind of getting used to with Faffy, he has a tendancy to glide over to the most strangest looking girls in Tiger after a few toots has entered his system. 

Usually the day after a night like this, I get a phone call from Faffy telling me all about his night and how he will never drink black label again and how the hell can we just let him go home with a thing like that. We try and try and try to get him away but he just refuses, giggles and pulls in...how do you stop that? I remember when Tiger trash and Faffy used to hook up, that used to be one of the highlights of our nights, people would crowd around giggle and walk away. We even got a photo and at a braai we once made the background of the muscle's tv (which is like a 300 inch plasma...its called the plumstead drive in). God, that was hilarious, never seen Faffy freak out like that before...

Rumour has it that Tiger trash has a boyfriend (have to see it to believe it) and that she hasnt been spotted in or around Tiger for a while...

Alcohol in Faffy is funny...


                                                                                  Tiger Trash on a good day

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Ha ha funny!