The Chronicles of kev re-opens...

Published on by Kev

As you can see by the new web address, The chronicles of kev has changed...I am going to try start off fresh and more vibey than EVER before. The old site was giving me too many problems with pics and videos and after a grueling 11 minutes of research I have found a new portal holder for my awesome blog...


I am going to have my usual characters from time to time as long as whole bunch of newbies I meet along the way. Having you on this blog will be very special...for you and your career, trust me...its a FACT!


We still have The muscle, Mellow G, The Angel and faffy with us and a whole lot more, like Krusty, The weather girl, SingerDude, Giantman and a whole lot of others taking there spot on my blog...these are their real names and they use ordinary names to hide their identity.


I have a the last story I posted on my old blog and it should be above this...


I hope to see a lot of you and if you lucky you might see some nude shots of me...


Keep reading and enjoy...



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I am adding myself to that list. <br /> It's done. <br /> Don't argue.<br /> Nash...<br /> OUT!
<br /> Nash...added! <br /> <br /> <br />
Hey Kev - You R the shit...even when u'r taking a shit in the bush!! Keep the chronicles alive - we'll need them when the aliens come, just as reference to how primitive humans really are. LOL!! PS: full marks on tracker - They blow. well, also coz they wouldn't even give me a job coz they felt I was overly ambitious, can you believe that shit?? Much Love - Jen